After spending the better part of the weekend putting Sky's shoes onto baby (her doll), we went and purchased new doll-sized shoes at Target this morning. Of course, they only came packaged with a new outfit, so baby has new clothes now too. Probably not a bad thing as the old outfit was getting pretty dirty. Everytime Clif would put the shoes on baby Sky would walk away then we would here "uh-o" and she'd be back holding the shoes and baby. Sunday morning she put on her fur coat and placed baby in the doll stroller and pushed her around our condo at Bald Head. She was a sight pushing the stroller with one hand and eating a bagel with the other. I think she belongs in New York. As it is February at Bald Head - no one was around to see her. Otherwise she kept busy giving baby her bottle and playing with some hot wheels cars. Her other main baby activity is wrapping baby up in a blanket, putting her in a chair and sitting on her! Then she picks baby up and puts her in bed. Parker certainly never did this!
We had a very quiet weekend with lots of reading and conversation. Parker enjoys reading and is very amused by Calvin & Hobbes, Baby Blues and Get Fuzzy. Saturday, Parker and Clif went on a walk on the golf course and found 39 used golf balls at the edge of a lagoon! Guess who washed them? Parker and Clif also looked at the constellations one night. It is so dark on the island the stars are very visible.
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