Friday, January 30, 2009

Keeping Up

21/365: O.K. it is harder to keep up with this picture a day thing than I anticipated. It is also challenging to keep up with the posting. I keep this dry-erase calendar in the kitchen to keep track of the week's activities. Sky has decided it is more fun to illustrate them than to have them written down. Monday and Tuesday are snowflakes. Wednesday is her riding to gymnastics in Megan's car. Thursday is Sky "Happy" because Nana is picking her up. Friday -- I have no idea...

Parker's iMac decided to quit working this weekend. After several hours on phone support, I decided to trek to Raleigh to the Apple Store for repairs. It was a simple solution - a bad Ram chip which was quickly replaced. Oddly, the woman sitting next to me at the "Genius Bar" was also from Wilmington. They really do need a service provider in our area.

You really can't see it in the picture, but we had to have a large pine tree taken down in the back. Typically we don't do much maintenance in the "forest", but this tree was definitely rotten and looked like it would fall on my office. In case you've never seen someone take down a 60 foot pine, the tree climber climbs it with his chain saw and begins to lop it down from the top. In this picture he is just above the word "tree climber".

Zen and "Turtwig" (one of Sky's Pokemon) snuggle at Bald Head.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Martin Luther King Weekend

17/365: Saturday Morning was COLD - the pond had significant ice. Sky tried to skate in the sandbox with her barefeet. I reminded her that since it was only 28 degrees she should consider wearing a coat and shoes. (1/17/09)

18/365: Clif is reading "Little House in the Big Woods" to Sky. I distinctly rememember my mom reading this to me when I was 7. I can recall several of the stories - but that may be because I re-read it so many times. I think both Sky and Clif are enjoying their first journey through this classic. (1/18/09)

19 /365: Parker, Sky and I went to the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher for Martin Luther King Day. We didn't realize it was also "free" day at the aquarium. Luckily the crowds were not too bad. Sky is looking at the octopus. I had a better picture of the octopus, but liked how this picture captured both of them. (1/19/09)

: INAUGURATION/SNOW Day: Nautica enjoys a rare moment in the snow. Zen was actually somewhat disturbed by the stuff falling from above. The kids were ecstatic, but didn't like it once their hands were soaked etc... We only got a dusting, but it was really pretty coming down. There hasn't been significant (and by significant I mean a dusting) in about 5 years here in Wilmington. Can you believe they cancelled school for this? For a while I was thinking we'd wind up with just rain. Since I'd considered taking Parker out of school to watch the Inauguration anyway, but it worked out well since the kids got to play in the "snow" and watch the Inauguration too! I had to include the picture of the weather from my iPhone as the snow on the forecast is such a rare sight! (1/20/09)

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Friday, January 16, 2009

A few more pics

16/365: It is cold today (currently 30 degrees at 5 p.m.), so we tried Zen on the treadmill for his daily walk. He wasn't too sure about it at first, but did o.k.. Nautica did NOT like it. Overall I think we'll stick to walking outside for the dogs.

15/365: Are Wii Fit?
Sky and Parker running with Wii Fit! Running in place with the Wii Fit is pretty entertaining, you pass other characters, a dog runs with you and the scenery is good. Sky did this for about 10 minutes.

14/365: NAUTICA!!
Some days finding the "perfect" picture is harder than others. This is a common Nautica pose, she & Zen think the couch is for them and that they sometimes let humans use it. Interestingly I've never seen them get on the t.v. room couch (which is not quite as comfortable). Fortunately leather seems to hold up well.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I want a mouse!

12 of 365: We were at Petco getting bird supplies and Sky decided that when our cats die we should get a mouse. A good reason to take care of the cats!

13/365: I've been on a homemade bread kick. This is one of my better looking bread machine loafs and whole wheat too!

Play Date

11 of 365: Sky had a "playdate" with a friend from school. An enormous amount of time was spent changing into various dress-up clothes. They also did "art" and spent time on the air bounce.

Catching Up

6 of 365: Galloway joined us for some Pizza

7 of 365: Parker is ready for a shower after hockey. He is on a new team and they work them hard!

8 of 365:
Parker and Sky check out Club Penguin before school. Note - Sky doesn't have socks on yet.

9 of 365: Clif and I went flying today. The air was clear, but most of my pictures wound up overexposed. However I played around with this image of Old Baldy.
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Next 3!

3/365: Parker prepared dinner on Saturday night. He selected the menu (Spaghetti & Meatballs) with homemade bread and did the majority of the cooking. Sky set the table, folded napkins and had Dad light the candles to turn the table into an "Italian Restaurant".

4/365: Last year we cut some pool noodles in half to make "swords". Since then that has been a very popular toy at our house. Parker's friend Tyler came over on Sunday afternoon. In addition to a lot of computer time there were some serious battles.

5/365: Today was the first day back after Christmas break and Sky was pleased to bring the class bear "Galloway" home for the night. He goes home with each student on a rotating basis. He returns with a photo essay and a "diary" from his adventure.
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Friday, January 02, 2009

2 of 365

After several weeks on a "catventure" our cat "Clawed Le Mew" returned today! We have no idea where he goes, but he appears well fed. We assume he has a second home.

Posted by ShoZu

A Resolution?

I read a neat idea of trying to take a photo each day, then at the end of the year make a photobook. So, I'm going to try to do this in 2009. While I'll try to take a picture a day, I'm not sure I'll get them uploaded every day. It should be interesting to see what they are of, hopefully not all of the kids. Also to watch the kids changed through the year etc... So check back often, since I haven't updated the Skybox since September 2007 - this should at least give it a breath of life!
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