18/365: Clif is reading "Little House in the Big Woods" to Sky. I distinctly rememember my mom reading this to me when I was 7. I can recall several of the stories - but that may be because I re-read it so many times. I think both Sky and Clif are enjoying their first journey through this classic.
19 /365: Parker, Sky and I went to the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher for Martin Luther King Day. We didn't realize it was also "free" day at the aquarium. Luckily the crowds were not too bad. Sky is looking at the octopus. I had a better picture of the octopus
20/365: INAUGURATION/SNOW Day: Nautica enjoys a rare moment in the snow. Zen was actually somewhat disturbed by the stuff falling from above. The kids were ecstatic, but didn't like it once their hands were soaked etc... We only got a dusting, but it was really pretty coming down. There hasn't been significant (and by significant I mean a dusting) in about 5 years here in Wilmington. Can you believe they cancelled school for this? For a while I was thinking we'd wind up with just rain. Since I'd considered taking Parker out of school to watch the Inauguration anyway, but it worke
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